
Super Flex Bands

If you’re looking for a golf workout that is easy to take on the road with you, take a look at the Dave Hermans Super Flex Bands.  The bands were originally developed for stretching, strength training and rehabilitation by Dick Hartzell, a former high school football coach. These bands have been used by athletes in a variety of sports on all levels, from junior high to college to professional teams. The Super Flex Bands provide variable resistance, meaning that the resistance increases throughout the range of motion, with the greatest resistance at the top of the lift.

The Bands are compact and can be used anywhere - from your home, to the office, to a hotel room - even on the practice range. The bands are used in a variety of professional settings for Strength training, to explosive speed work, to Stretching and Rehab. The bands are made out of a special latex rubber and come in different widths with the wider bands providing greater tension.  The golf program was developed by strength and conditioning expert Dave Herman. Dave has worked with PGA tour stars Ernie Els, Trevor Immelman, Susan Peterson and Gary Woodland.  The included DVD shows Dave Herman working with Trevor Immelman and provides a variety of stretching and strengthening routines that will help any golfer.

I like the bands because they are easy to travel with and the DVD gives you a great workout to follow.

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